feed forward, assessment results and Level 3 blog

This post concludes this blog. The module was assessed in the November 2018 assessment event. Here is the summary and feed forward from the assessors:

Visual Arts Level 2 Summative Assessment Mark (%) 80

Overall Comments and Feed Forward

The video, whilst apparently aimed at guiding us, was at its best when it also functioned as an artwork in its own right, using strategies of both institutional critique and curating.

This is an accomplished, layered and thoughtful body of work showing a sustained line of interest that interrogates the nature of drawing in a highly creative way.

The interplay of your two practices was intelligently and creatively conceived and was used to create work with a powerful interplay between systems and reproduction and the human or per formative turn. The notion of control and rebellion seems key and could be reflected on further in terms of audience engagement or agency.

At level 3 you will have the opportunity to present your work in a gallery or other public setting and this will give you a chance to further refine your strategies for presentation to an audience.

I was confident the course material was good, even though it skirted some of the riskier edges of drawing practice. Yet, finishing two assignment pieces as well as the review and the parallel project within eight weeks meant I was working far outside my comfort zone. I was encouraged to see what results such intensity yielded (m(e)use|use me and parallel praxis were effectively conceived and completed within three days each) but was uncertain what penalty would come over technique and quality of outcome for these. So, with this, and in any case: the result is excellent (I think only my drawing 1 course had a higher mark; the photography modules 3 or 4 points lower).

The feed forward is really useful in terms of audience: that lies at the heart of quite a few of the projects, and provides a useful focus along with the encouragement that the hybrid practice that I have been experimenting with is workable and can be developed further.

My level 3 (Creative Arts) blog is at https://close-open.net and the first assignment for both Research and Body of Work involves some considerable reflection of the previous two modules.

9 thoughts on “feed forward, assessment results and Level 3 blog”

    1. thank you, Jennifer! i really enjoyed writing it (which i didn’t for DI&C), i think it takes a little to get a sense what a good written form is aside the course requirements, so i look forward what the new one will become. but i also turned a terrible reader of other people’s blogs and hope that will change a little again (i think i have rarely been so singleminded over my art as with the past nine months)


    2. The intense focus is no bad thing – if we were full-time students, that would have become a regular feature of our ways of working, I’m sure.


    1. thank you! — so was I, and I think we both benefitted from reading each other’s tutor comments: I took a lot from your tutor suggesting not to revise but to move forward; and I am glad to have pushed boundaries in terms of drawing definitions and timescale for this module and being recognised for it (and trusting my tutor’s judgement on it) … to good things, dear Sarah-Jane!

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  1. I agree with what was said – an enjoyable journey stepping out into new realms. Congrats for an outstanding achievement and re restricted time something for myself to keep in mind . Wish you a great level3 Start and will follow with excitement


    1. thank you, Stefan and it’s much appreciated — as I said to Jennifer: I have been not good at keeping up with other people’s work and look forward to doing that a bit more… there is a lot of resonance in the themes we are interested in, and our approach to media/techniques is intriguingly different. And yes: it is good to get some insights into some of the procedural course things (like revising/not; taking time/being fast) from others and see what of that can make sense. All the best for 2019 — to good things!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. fantastic outcome, Gesa, and well deserved! Your innovative and experimental work is always fascinating and leaves the viewer wondering where you are going with it / what exactly are you exploring . Best wishes for your future experiments.


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